Waste Management and Recycling both are really challenging issues for the Sultanate of Oman just because of high waste generation rates and unavailability of disposal sites. With a population of around 3 million people, the country produced about 1.6 million tons of solid waste in the year 2010. Apparently, the per capita waste generation is around 1.5 kg per day, or more maybe.
In order to ease up the process of recycling in Oman, we are in urgent need of coming up with new methods because unlike landfills, recycling can remove waste completely, and then turn it back to useful products. Recycling saves money, and in turn, reduces the amount of waste going to the landfills, connect with Recycling Services Oman, one of the best waste management company in Oman.
Types of Recycling
Facts on Recycling one ton of aluminum:
Saves 14,000 kWh of energy
Saves 1,663 liters of oil
Saves 10 cubic yards of landfill space
Aluminum Recycling Tips
Aluminum Recycling in Oman will only be possible when the inhabitants know the exact methods to do so, from hazardous waste recycling to solid waste management in Oman Recycling Services Oman is there to help and guide you. Until then what you can do is, Prepare aluminum cans for recycling by either crushing the cans to save space or leaving them uncrushed and the cans that are rinsed out will have little or no odour and are less likely to attract flies and bugs.
Facts on Recycling one ton of paper:
Saves 4,100 kWh of energy
Saves 380 liters of oil
Saves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space
Saves 7,000 liters of water
Saves 17 trees
Paper Recycling Tips
Recycling of paper is one of the most important and necessary things to do right now, Recyclable paper includes Magazines, catalogues, telephone books, direct mail, brochures, pamphlets and booklets even cereal, cake, chip and cracker boxes, and there are some non-recyclable papers including tissue, waxed paper and carbon paper. To let the paper recycling in Oman, go smoothly, we need to clean the surface of the cereal boxes and cracker boxes,
Facts on Recycling one ton of plastic:
Saves 5,774 kWh energy
Saves 685 Liters of oil
Saves 30 cubic yards of landfill space
Plastic Recycling Tips
To make Plastic recycling in Oman go easy we have to prepare plastic containers for recycling by ensuring their type and texture.
1. (PETE): soda-pop bottles, cooking-oil bottles and peanut-butter jars
2. (HDPF): milk, water and juice bottles, bleach and detergent bottles, margarine tubs and some grocery sacks
3.(PVC): window cleaner bottles, cooking-oil containers and detergent powder containers
4. (LDPE): food packaging, shrink-wrap, carryout bags and heavy-duty bags
5. (PP): butter and margarine tubs, yoghurt containers, screw-on caps and drinking straws
6. (PS): Compact disk cases, aspirin bottles, clean plates, cutlery.
Because recycling of all type of plastic isn’t feasible there are some types of plastic that are non-recyclable. Recycling of plastic in Oman is done very carefully keeping in mind that no animal ever consumes the plastic or other wastes kept aside.
Facts on Recycling one ton of steel:
Saves 642 kWh of energy
Saves 76 gallons litres of oil
Saves 4 cubic yards of landfill space
Steel and Metal Recycling Tips
Metal scrap dealers and buyers in Oman work very efficiently, their methods are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. For our part, we can prepare steel cans for recycling by rinsing them with water to remove any food residue left. To save space, we can remove both ends of the steel can and crush them flat.
The scrap metal process involves several steps, It starts with the collection. At Recycling Services Oman, our scrap metal collectors pick up small quantities of scrap for sale to scrap yards. Metal is also recovered from larger generators by larger scrap dealers, or through curbside recycling.